
MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) Scan

MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) Scan
This test is similar to a CT scan. An MRI test uses a powerful magnet and a computer to produce detailed images of any part of the body. An MRI scan usually takes between 20 and 40 minutes. The time will vary for each patient.During the scan it is necessary to lie on the scanner table that is then moved into the magnet. During the scan there is a rhythmic tapping sound that can become quite loud. For some scans it may be necessary to hold your breath several times. A patient being prepared for an MRI ScanA contrast agent (a colourless liquid that shows up on the scan) may be injected into a vein to show more information on the scan. The radiologist (specialised X-ray doctor) will decide this on the day and you will be fully informed.A radiologist will interpret your MRI scan pictures and the results will be sent to the consultant who requested the scan.